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Luna's Lessons: Our Sounding Board Process

Luna's Lessons: Our Sounding Board Process

| July 13, 2018

All too often, we have seen first-hand clients who are going through or have recently gone through a challenging divorce.  Helping them organize their newly-single financial situation and ultimately charting a course for retirement is one of the goals of using our Waypoint Investment Process.  Getting a handle on your financial situation shouldn't be another thing to worry about at a time like this. 

We have developed and refined a sounding board process, which offers a complimentary consultation with a friend or family member, where we take a look at their financial situation and provide our opinion.  Usually this entails identifying financial strengths and areas of improvements.  One does NOT have to become a client to take advantage of this valuable service.  The most fulfilling part of our business is helping people make informed financial decisions, so if these people are important to you, they are important to us. 

The next time the topic of money comes up in conversation, feel free to use our sounding board process, and we will be sure to provide ample service to your friends and family, so the experience reflects well on you. 

Warm Regards, 


The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.